

NGMN defines 5G in this way: 5G is an end-to-end ecosystem that will create a fully mobile and fully connected society. 5G mainly includes three aspects: ecology, customer and business model. It offers a consistent service experience that creates value for customers and partners through existing and new cases and sustainable business...


Sony Boosts 3D Camera Output After Interest From Phone Makers

Sony Corp., the biggest maker of camera chips used in smartphones, is boosting production of next-generation 3D sensors after getting interest from customers including Apple Inc. The chips will power front- and rear-facing 3D cameras of models from several smartphone makers in 2019, with Sony kicking off mass production in late...



随着共享单车的泛滥, 城市停车问题越来越严重. 当人们开始将智能技术应用于停车问题时,智能停车场就诞生了. 在 2017, 南京夫子庙, 深圳龙岗区、北京五棵松景区相继推出....
