

虹膜识别是一种人体生物特征识别技术, 这是基于眼睛虹膜进行身份识别的. 主要应用于安防设备 (例如访问控制) 以及保密要求严格的场所.

人眼的外观是由巩膜组成的, 虹膜和瞳孔. Sclera is the white part of the eyeball’s periphery , accounting for about 30% of the total area; The central part of the eye is the pupil, accounting for about 5%; The iris, located between the sclera and pupil, contains the most abundant texture information, accounting for 65% ,which is one of the most unique structures in the human body.

The formation of iris is determined by genetic genes. The expression of human genes determines the shape, physiology, color and overall appearance of iris.After eight months or so of human development, the iris is basically large enough to enter a relative stability period. Apart from rare anomaly situation, physical or mental trauma, the appearance of the iris can remain unchanged for decades. The iris is visible externally, but it is also belongs to an internal tissue, located behind the cornea. Changing the appearance of the iris requires very delicate surgery and there is risk of vision damage. The iris is highly unique, stable and unchangeable, which is the material basis for identification.

Iris recognition is one of the most convenient and accurate biometric recognition technologies. And it is widely regarded as the most promising biometric authentication technology in the 21st century. In the future, the application of security, national defense, e-commerce and other fields will inevitably more depend on iris recognition technology. This trend has been gradually emerging in a variety of applications around the world, and it can be foreseen that there is wide market outlook for iris recognition.
